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Results (160 - 162 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5400 wontfix Pop-up message when hovering in footpage shows 0.8.0 despite being in 0.8.1 Laura Arjona Reina

Dear all Thank you for working in GNU Mediagoblin. I just upgraded my instances from 0.8.0 to 0.8.1 and everything went fine, except that the footnote in the webpages, when hovering over "Mediagoblin", shows "0.8.0" instead of "0.8.1".

I've checked that indeed the file when checking out 0.8.1 tag, remains unchanged.

This is very easy to fix, but not so easy to get the fix merged in 0.8.1, since it wouldn't be 0.8.1 anymore (maybe ? Probably not worthwhile since 0.8.2 release is very soon).

I just leave this bug report here so people upgrading to 0.8.1 and discovering the problem, know that it's a bug, not a problem of their upgrading process.

#5399 fixed Use GLib.MainLoop instead of GObject.MainLoop mi

Instantiations of GObject.MainLoop trigger a warning here:

GObject.MainLoop is deprecated; use GLib.MainLoop instead

The below patch takes care of this.

#5398 fixed Major test failures Christopher Allan Webber

Most tests are failing in git master. It appears to be caused by commit 2ddebb97bfbb281bcb48e699d5b0c493cd9932c0, which aimed to fix #5391.

I'm a bit puzzled as to why this is causing that error, though.

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