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Results (121 - 123 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5452 no-action Slow gmg command Elinvention

On my tiny home server, the gmg command takes ages just to show the usage message. I think the first thing it should do is parsing the command line and possibly throw errors immediately. Only after that import all other required modules.

% time ./bin/gmg

usage: gmg [-h] [-cf CONF_FILE]

{batchaddmedia,shell,adduser,assetlink,makeadmin,reprocess,serve,deleteuser,addmedia,dbupdate,deletemedia,changepw,alembic} ...

gmg: error: too few arguments ./bin/gmg 6,30s user 2,89s system 86% cpu 10,612 total

6,30 seconds just to list possible commands!!! I'd say it's a bit unresponsive.

#5451 fixed Reformat messages.add_message calls to follow PEP 8 ayleph

While tracking down some bad message calls in the blog plugin, I came across a number of wildly different styles for the messages.add_message function call. Notably, many of these calls don't adhere to the following PEP 8 guideline.

Arguments on first line forbidden when not using vertical alignment.

#5450 fixed Attempting to delete a blog as admin causes a server error ayleph

mediagoblin/media_types/blog/ has an undefined reference to WARNING.

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