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Results (115 - 117 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5460 fixed Log IP address when a user enters a wrong password Elinvention

If I try to login with a wrong password, this message is logged: password for u'elinvention'

I'd like to set up fail2ban for Mediagoblin, but without IP address I can't do much...

A message like this would be better: password for u'elinvention' from

#5459 fixed Relative URLs on pages often mis-formed cpence

On my MG installation (0.9.0, Python 3), the relative pagination links seem to be mis-formed.

  • On the front page (Recent Media), they are of the form "?page=3", which doesn't work.
  • On collection pages, they are of the form "u/username/collection/coll/?page=2", missing the leading slash, which also doesn't work.
#5458 fixed batchaddmedia does not properly parse the "media:location" header field Tim McIver

The documentation here: states that the path to a media file is given by the "media:location" header field but using this header field name causes a parse error.

Looking at the code here: it seems the code is expecting the header field name to be "location". So, I guess either a code change or a documentation change is needed.

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