Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (97 - 99 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5484 fixed Thumbnail video icon not displayed in collections ayleph

We added a play icon to video media types object gallery thumbnails in commit 654d7cf as part of #365. We should do the same for thumbnails in collection views.

#5482 fixed mediagoblin-licenses is no longer on PyPi Alex Jordan

This is particularly a problem since the Plugins documentation references mediagoblin-licenses:

#5481 invalid Submitting media requires Lazyserver to be run as root chris

When attempting to upload files as Lazyserver is being run by the Mediagoblin user, an Unhandled Exception is returned and the upload fails. However, when lazyserver is run as Root user, uploading media succeeds.

So I assume I have a user permission problem. But I haven't been able to figure it out.

Version 0.9 on Ubuntu 16.04.1 with Apache.

Lazyserver command: ./ --server-name=fcgi fcgi_host= fcgi_port=26543

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