Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#5530 fixed Port batchaddmedia command to Python 3 simenheg

The batchaddmedia command doesn't currently work with Python 3. The attached patch ports it to Python 3, while keeping Python 2 compatibility.

#5525 fixed EXIF rotation is not detected chrysn

With images created by a Nikon D7200 v1.02, EXIF rotation is not detected. As a result, both the thumbnail and the regular view are cropped to the center square of the image and have black bars left and right of it. Zooming in (ie. loading the original image) in the browser shows correctly (probably because the browser parses the rotation itself).

If I create a .png that is externally rotated and upload that, everything looks fine, but with the camera JPGs, I get the described effect.

exiftool shows "Orientation: Rotate 270 CW" for the image; if there is any more detailed information I can extract from the image, please let me know.

#5524 fixed Zero division error when uploading a file with zero GPS coordinates chrysn

Files produced by a Nikon P510 have an odd GPS direction set, which makes mediagoblin/mediagoblin/tools/ crash in line 180 (the gps_data['direction'] lambda -- denominator is zero).

As a result, the submission form shows a 503, the lazyserver console gives an appropriate backtrace and the file shows up as "failed" in the media processing panel.

This was tested with current master (763eae89d); if it helps, I can send an example picture by private EMail (don't have the camera at hand to create a blank example).

Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.