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Results (82 - 84 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#83 FIXED Messaging framework Caleb Davis Christopher Allan Webber
There's been some discussion of a messaging framework in
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It would be good if we had such a system. Simply queueing messages
in the session and then iterating through them in the interface is
probably good enough.

We could have 3 simple types of message:
- warning message (red)
- notification neutral message (yellow)
- happy success message (green)

We could iterate through the messages at the top of the document
before we show the rest of the page. We could maybe also provide a
way with javascript to be able to "close" the messages though
that's lower priority for this ticket.

See also:
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#84 FIXED Should we use passlib? Christopher Allan Webber
Currently we use py-bcrypt for python password hashing.

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Should we use passlib?

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My main thought is, "Which of these libraries has more users and is
more likely to stay around while remaining secure?"

#85 fixed Methodology for handling bugs Elrond

There are currently a few bugs, that sit at "New", don't have a
single comment and are just there. For now this is fine. People
know from irc, that their bug will be handled sometime.

When the project grows, this sort of bug handling isn't good. It
leaves a feeling of "they don't listen, they don't care" to the

Brainstorming ideas¶

Maybe some new bug status thingies could be helpful?

-  "Accepted - Your bug is valid"
-  "Okay, this is true, we should consider that"
-  "Yes, we'll fix that, but just not now"

Another brainstormy thing: Maybe allow users/developers to care
more for bugs. This works nicely in Debian, where everybody can
nearly change any bug.

Warning notice¶

On the other hand, things should not be overorganized.

Other ideas¶

-  Have a feed of "New" bugs

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