Custom Query (110 matches)


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Results (101 - 110 of 110)

1 2
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#5443 Theater mode for videos in MediaGoblin review enhancement graphic design/interface
#5444 Implement 'type_match_handler' hook for all core media types in_progress ayleph defect programming
#5447 Make disabling plugins less tricky new defect programming
#5483 audio player is not accessible with screen readers accepted defect graphic design/interface
#5485 Audio player controls not announced to Orca screenreader accepted defect graphic design/interface
#5486 Mark all read does not mark all read new defect programming
#5487 Feature: allow to rotate media after upload new enhancement programming
#5488 Feature: Email/notifications: allow to follow user/collection/tag/everything new enhancement programming
#5491 Enhancements for the media-processing panel new enhancement programming
#5528 xss in videojs-swf new defect programming
1 2
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.