Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (100 - 102 of 1173)

GNU MediaGoblin sphinx docs are make'able by cd'ing into the docs
directory and running make.

We should have run the latest docs out of git

Since we're using the stylesheet from diveintohtml5 and the web
site looks a lot like the diveintohtml5 site, we should add a line
to the bottom of our website pages along these lines:

"site design inspired by diveintohtml5"

with "diveintohtml5" a link to the diveintohtml5 site.

This should probably get done (or alleviated by a different site
design) before we launch on the 30th.

StatusNet has both good writeup of legalcode descriptions of
external libraries:
` <>`_

And also has a good policy for external libraries:
` <>`_

Evan has made clear that it's cool (even a good idea) for us to
just copy that extlib/README file and adapt it to mediagoblin, and
that's what we should do.

We should also find a nice directory to keep these all in, and just
use symlinks to move them around to appropriate places (eg, from zc.buildout can be symlinked to the toplevel of
the package, jquery can be symlinked to the mediagoblin static app
media directory).

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