Custom Query (1173 matches)


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It would be nice if we could add a template_hook in the user_pages/media.html template file. This would enable plugins to display content near the "media_title".

At the moment there is an "Edit" and "Delete" button below the media, placed right of the media_title (when logged in). On my MediaGoblin instance I have added a media_titleinfo template_hook. This is used to display a publicly visible micropayment button for each media. Here is a screenshot of what and where i mean. There are some other use cases as well: consider somebody would like to add a button besides the standard "Edit" and "Delete" button: "Report this media", "View in Fullscreen" or Social Media sharing buttons for example.

The sidebar gets quite crowded at the moment, because the user_pages/media.html template has only the media_sideinfo template_hook as a possibility to put additional information. IMO the media_title line would be a fitting additional place for certain information as well.


I just pulled down mediagoblin from git onto a new box and noticed that mediagoblin.ini has a couple of non-ASCII curly quotes in the comments. In fresh-out-of-the-box vim, it looks like:

# It defines types and defaults so it�~@~Ys a good place to look for documentation # or to find hidden options that we didn�~@~Yt tell you about. :)

Diff below.

--- mediagoblin.ini 2013-11-18 03:05:50.219990987 -0500 +++ mediagoblin-straightquotes.ini 2013-11-18 03:19:49.106257393 -0500 @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@

# mediagoblin_local.ini, then make the changes there. # # If you don't see what you need here, have a look at mediagoblin/config_spec.ini

-# It defines types and defaults so it’s a good place to look for documentation -# or to find hidden options that we didn’t tell you about. :) +# It defines types and defaults so it's a good place to look for documentation +# or to find hidden options that we didn't tell you about. :)


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