Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 1173)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#5561 zoro no-action Cannot upload video and audio. Unhandled exception

So I followed this steps exactly:

pyexiv2 did not work so I removed it from mediagoblin_ini I have configured systemd services as per in the docs production deployment. I have successfully uploaded Images and PDF files but whenever I upload audio and/or video, I get the error:

in audio:

2018-02-11 13:27:08,456 INFO    [] 100% done...
2018-02-11 13:27:08,458 INFO    [] Done
2018-02-11 13:27:08,474 INFO    [] Quitting MainLoop gracefully...
2018-02-11 13:27:08,511 ERROR   [mediagoblin.processing.task] An unhandled exception was raised while processing <MediaEntry 12: btest>: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
2018-02-11 13:27:08,516 WARNING [mediagoblin.processing] No idea what happened here, but it failed: TypeError("'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer",)
2018-02-11 13:27:08,660 WARNING [mediagoblin.processing] No idea what happened here, but it failed: TypeError("'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer",)

in video upload:

2018-02-11 13:29:14,509 INFO    [mediagoblin.media_types] checking the contents with sniffer
2018-02-11 13:29:14,510 INFO    [] Sniffing
2018-02-11 13:29:14,514 INFO    [] Discovering /tmp/tmpnefj5irg...
2018-02-11 13:29:14,877 DEBUG   [] Discovered: <GstPbutils.DiscovererInfo object at 0x70a8f2b0 (GstDiscovererInfo at 0x1a66470)>
2018-02-11 13:29:14,885 INFO    [mediagoblin.media_types] checked, found
2018-02-11 13:29:15,682 DEBUG   [mediagoblin.processing.task] Processing <MediaEntry 13: decayy>
2018-02-11 13:29:15,686 INFO    [] Initializing VideoTranscoder...
2018-02-11 13:29:15,722 INFO    [] Discovering /mnt/var/mediagoblin/media/queue/media_entries/31957130-a334-4f20-bc13-8d78bf33ca02/124887044.ogv...
2018-02-11 13:29:16,072 INFO    [] Discovering /mnt/var/mediagoblin/media/queue/media_entries/31957130-a334-4f20-bc13-8d78bf33ca02/124887044.ogv...
2018-02-11 13:29:16,427 ERROR   [mediagoblin.processing.task] An unhandled exception was raised while processing <MediaEntry 13: decayy>: object() takes no parameters
2018-02-11 13:29:16,430 WARNING [mediagoblin.processing] No idea what happened here, but it failed: TypeError('object() takes no parameters',)
2018-02-11 13:29:16,517 WARNING [mediagoblin.processing] No idea what happened here, but it failed: TypeError('object() takes no parameters',)

I have reviewed all config and tickets but still no fix. I used python3, python2 appears to not work for me, also I use nginx, debian 9.3.

#5581 kleper no-action Failures after updating the operating system


Until recently I had the stable version of mediagoblin running on a server with Debian 9 (for the community network project By decision of another network administrator the operating system was upgraded to debian 10, due to this the installation we had of MediaGoblin stopped working. I have been trying to install from scratch a new installation to migrate the data and even update the version I had installed to Python3.7 but I always have the following error after the compilation and installation of all packages are done well:

(mediagoblin)mediagoblin@nosredserver:/home/nosred/$ ./bin/gmg Traceback (most recent call last):

File "./bin/gmg", line 11, in <module>

load_entry_point('mediagoblin', 'console_scripts', 'gmg')()

File "/home/nosred/", line 111, in main_cli

setup_func = import_component(command_structsetup)

File "/home/nosred/", line 34, in import_component


File "/home/nosred/", line 25, in <module>

from mediagoblin.submit.lib import run_process_media

File "/home/nosred/", line 32, in <module>

from mediagoblin.processing.task import ProcessMedia

File "/home/nosred/", line 176, in <module>


File "/home/nosred/", line 32, in register


celery.exceptions.InvalidTaskError: Task class 'type' must specify .name attribute

#5592 Ben Sturmfels fixed Make "–with-python3" the default

Given I'm proposing 0.10.0 be our last Python 2 compatible release, we ought to signal this by switching the ./configure defaults over to Python 3.

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