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Results (94 - 96 of 1173)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#5583 anongoblin no-action "Create Account" and "Start an Instance" are squished together

On the main starting page of Mediagoblin (when the user is logged out), there are two buttons: "Create an account on this site" and "Set up MediaGoblin on your own server".

The two buttons appear to have no margin between them, forcing them to be as close together as possible.

This is using the "base.css" theme.

#5618 Olivier Mehani fixed Add some example config

Just a few useful options added in the example config, for visibility.

#3 Christopher Allan Webber Christopher Allan Webber WONTFIX Braindump design plans into workflow.rst
This one specifically assigned to cwebber :)

Continue / finish writing workflow.rst in the docs directory of
mediagoblin (refactoring these into different files is fine, but
that's what it is at the moment).


-  (WSGI) Application structure
-  Media submission process
-  Media conversion/processing process
-  Multiple media type handling for display/submission/processing
   and what writing extensions for this will look like
-  Maybe a bit about plugins vision but that's not currently

And optionally other things that seem appropriate.

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