Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 1173)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#5081 Matt Molyneaux fixed Unhelpful SMTP error

We had a user in the IRC channel who had an issue with getting email verification setup. Based on the error they received¹ they assumed that MediaGoblin could route mail to remote hosts on its own². They were slightly confused by all this.

We should catch such errors and provide a more descriptive error that doesn't require the reading of Python tracebacks to understand. Something like "Couldn't contact mail server on <host>:<port>" would be far more helpful.

Feel free to contact me on IRC (moggers87) if you're thinking of tackling this ticket and are unfamiliar with MediaGoblin's internals.

¹: ²: it cannot

#5335 anongoblin duplicate Particular PDF not uploading

Well, I have all sorts of PDFs being uploaded properly on the server. This one we will annex is simply not working.

This comes from paster log:

Error: Failed to load processor bash
No macro or processor named 'bash' found

Nothing useful shows up in media processing panel apart from upload failed.

We get the message of "whoa submitted" after uploading.

#5357 anongoblin fixed ASCII typo on tour


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