1 | #+TITLE: New Models (GNU MediaGoblin)
2 | #+AUTHOR: Jessica Tallon <jessica@megworld.co.uk>
3 |
4 | * Generic Foreign Key
5 | There is a few solutions to this including one example from SQLAlchemy
6 | themselves. I personlly think that the SA's [[http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/_modules/examples/generic_associations/generic_fk.html][example]] isn't flexible enough
7 | to work as a truely generic way of easily having 1 or more foreign keys on
8 | a model.
9 |
10 | We don't need referential integrity, I'm thinking something like:
11 | #+BEGIN_SRC python
12 | from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper
13 |
14 | class GenericModelReference(Base):
15 | """
16 | This represents a generic relationship to any model
17 | that is defined with a integer primry key.
18 | """
19 | __tablename__ = "core__generic_model_reference"
20 |
21 | id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
22 |
23 | obj_pk = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
24 |
25 | # This will be the tablename of the model
26 | model_type = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
27 |
28 | @property
29 | def get(self):
30 | # This can happen if it's yet to be saved
31 | if self.model_type is None or self.obj_pk is None:
32 | return None
33 |
34 | model = self._get_model_from_type(self.model_type)
35 | return model.query.filter_by(id=self.obj_pk)
36 |
37 | @property
38 | def set(self, obj):
39 | model = obj.__class__
40 |
41 | # Check we've been given a object
42 | if not issubclass(model, Base):
43 | raise ValueError("Only models can be set as GenericForeignKeys")
44 |
45 | # Check that the model has an explicit __tablename__ declaration
46 | if getattr(model, "__tablename__", None) is None:
47 | raise ValueError("Models must have __tablename__ attribute")
48 |
49 | # Check that it's not a composite primary key
50 | primary_keys = [key.name for key in class_mapper(model).primary_key]
51 | if len(primary_keys) > 1:
52 | raise ValueError("Models can't have composite primary keys")
53 |
54 | # Check that the field on the model is a an integer field
55 | pk_column = getattr(model, primary_keys[0])
56 | if issubclass(Integer, pk_column):
57 | raise ValueError("Only models with integer pks can be set")
58 |
59 | # Ensure that everything has it's ID set
60 | obj.save(commit=False)
61 |
62 | self.obj_pk = obj.id
63 | self.model_type = obj.__tablename__
64 |
65 |
66 | def _get_model_from_type(self, model_type):
67 | """ Gets a model from a tablename (model type) """
68 | if getattr(self, "_TYPE_MAP", None) is None:
69 | # We want to build on the class (not the instance) a map of all the
70 | # models by the table name (type) for easy lookup, this is done on
71 | # the class so it can be shared between all instances
72 |
73 | # to prevent circular imports do import here
74 | from mediagoblin.db.models import MODELS
75 | self._TYPE_MAP = dict(((m.__tablename__, m) for m in MODELS))
76 | setattr(self.__class__._TYPE_MAP, self._TYPE_MAP)
77 |
78 | return self._TYPE_MAP[model_type]
79 |
80 |
81 | class GenericForeignKey(ForeignKey):
82 |
83 | def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
84 | super(GenericForeignKey, self).__init__(
85 | "core__generic_model_reference.id",
86 | ,*args,
87 | ,**kwargs
88 | )
89 |
90 | #+END_SRC
91 | * User model
92 | Use the [[http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/orm/extensions/declarative.html#inheritance-configuration][inheritance configuration]] that will allow us to have a base User model
93 | which a Local and Remote user can extend from. This allows us to have the local
94 | specific attributes on the LocalUser and the remote specific on the Remote user
95 | but retain a single User model to point to and retain referential integrity.
96 |
97 | #+BEGIN_SRC python
98 | class User(Base):
99 | """
100 | The base User class that LocalUser and RemoteUser
101 | can inherit from. This will hold all the fields which
102 | are shared between all User models.
103 |
104 | NB: In ForeignKey fields to User you should point to this
105 | User model not the LocalUser or RemoteUser models.
106 | """
107 | __tablename__ = "core__users"
108 |
109 | id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
110 | public_id = Column(Unicode, unique=True)
111 |
112 | name = Column(Unicode)
113 | bio = Column(UnicodeText)
114 | url = Column(Unicode)
115 | created = Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.datetime.now)
116 | updated = Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.datetime.now)
117 | location = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("core__locations.id"))
118 |
119 | # Activity backreference field
120 | activity = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("core__activity_intermediators.id"))
121 |
122 | # Lazy getters
123 | get_location = relationship("Location", lazy="joined")
124 |
125 | class LocalUser(User):
126 | """
127 | These are Users which exist on this instance.
128 | """
129 | __tablename__ = "core__local_users"
130 |
131 | id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("core__users.id"), primary_key=True)
132 |
133 | username = Column(Unicode, nullable=False, unique=True)
134 | email = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
135 | pw_hash = Column(Unicode)
136 |
137 | wants_comment_notification = Column(Boolean, default=True)
138 | wants_notifications = Column(Boolean, default=True)
139 | license_preference = Column(Unicode)
140 | uploaded = Column(Integer, default=0)
141 | upload_limit = Column(Integer)
142 |
143 | def __repr__(self):
144 | return "<{0} #{1} {2} {3} {4}>".format(
145 | self.__class__.__name__,
146 | self.id,
147 | "verified" if self.has_privilege(u"active") else "non-verified",
148 | "admin" if self.has_privilege(u"admin") else "user",
149 | self.username
150 | )
151 |
152 | class RemoteUser(User):
153 | """
154 | These are Users which are registered on a remote site
155 | """
156 | __tablename__ = "core__remote_users"
157 |
158 | id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("core__users.id"), primary_key=True)
159 |
160 | webfinger = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
161 |
162 | def __repr__(self):
163 | return "<{0} #{1} {2}>".format(
164 | self.__class__.__name__,
165 | self.id,
166 | self.webfinger
167 | )
168 | #+END_SRC
169 |
170 | * MediaEntry
171 | #+BEGIN_SRC python
172 | class MediaEntry(Base, MediaEntryMixin):
173 | __tablename__ = "core__media_entries"
174 |
175 | id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
176 | public_id = Column(Unicode, unique=True)
177 | deleted = Column(Boolean, default=False)
178 | remote = Column(Boolean, default=False)
179 |
180 | title = Column(Unicode)
181 | slug = Column(Unicode)
182 | description = Column(UnicodeText)
183 | media_type = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
184 | state = Column(Unicode, default=u"unprocessed", nullable=False)
185 | license = Column(Unicode)
186 | file_size = Column(Integer, default=0)
187 | created = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now, nullable=False)
188 | updated = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now, nullable=False)
189 |
190 | activity = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("core__activity_intermediators.id"))
191 | uploader = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("core__users.id"), nullable=False, index=True)
192 | #+END_SRC
193 | * Activity
194 | The activity needs to/cc/bto/bcc needs to be able to reference
195 | Users, Lists of users and a special list users such as:
196 |
197 | - Public
198 | - Following
199 | - Followers
200 |
201 | This should be a Generic ManyToMany field. The activity should be:
202 | #+BEGIN_SRC python
203 | # Create the link tables for the ManyToMany fields
204 | to_link_table = Table("link__to", Base.metadata,
205 | Column("generic_id", Integer, GenericForeignKey()),
206 | Column("activity_id", Integer, ForeignKey("core__activities.id"))
207 | )
208 |
209 | cc_link_table = Table("link_cc", Base.metadata,
210 | Column("generic_id", Integer, GenericForeignKey()),
211 | Column("activity_id", Integer, ForeignKey("core__activities.id"))
212 | )
213 |
214 | bto_link_table = Table("link_bto", Base.metadata,
215 | Column("generic_id", Integer, GenericForeignKey()),
216 | Column("activity_id", Integer, ForeignKey("core__activities.id"))
217 | )
218 |
219 | bcc_link_table = Table("link_bcc", Base.metadata,
220 | Column("generic_id", Integer, GenericForeignKey()),
221 | Column("activity_id", Integer, ForeignKey("core__activities.id"))
222 | )
223 |
224 | class Activity(Base):
225 | __tablename__ = "core__activities"
226 |
227 | id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
228 | public_id = Column(Integer, unique=True)
229 | remote = Column(Boolean, default=False)
230 |
231 | to = relationship("GenericModelReference",
232 | secondary=to_link_table)
233 | cc = relationship("GenericModelReference",
234 | secondary=cc_link_table)
235 | bto = relationship("GenericModelReference",
236 | secondary=bto_link_table)
237 | bcc = relationship("GenericModelReference",
238 | secondary=bcc_link_table)
239 |
240 | actor = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("core__users.id"), nullable=False)
241 | generator = Column(Integer,
242 | ForeignKey("core__generators.id"),
243 | nullable=False)
244 | published = Column(DateTimeField,
245 | nullable=False,
246 | default=datetime.datetime.now)
247 | updated = Column(DateTimeField,
248 | nullable=False,
249 | default=datetime.datetime.now)
250 |
251 | title = Column(Unicode)
252 | content = Column(UnicodeText)
253 | verb = Column(Unicode)
254 |
255 | object = Column(Integer, GenericForeignKey(), nullable=False)
256 | target = Column(Integer, GenericForeignKey(), nullable=True)
257 |
258 | #+END_SRC python
259 |
260 | * Collections
261 | Collections in pump.io can contain any kind of data including different
262 | kinds of data ([[https://github.com/activitystreams/activity-schema/blob/master/activity-schema.md#object-types][see spec]]). This will require a migration away from the
263 | current kind of Collections which can currently can only be MediaEntries.
264 |
265 | #+BEGIN_SRC python
266 | collection_link_table = Table("link__user_collection", Base.metadata,
267 | Column(Integer, ForeignKey("core__user_collections.id")),
268 | Column(Integer, GenericForeignKey())
269 | )
270 |
271 | class Collection(Base):
272 | """ This represents a Collection of objects """
273 | __tablename__ = "core__collections"
274 |
275 | id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
276 | public_id = Column(Unicode, unique=True)
277 | remote = Column(Boolean, default=False)
278 | deleted = Column(Boolean, default=False)
279 |
280 | name = Column(Unicode)
281 | description = Column(UnicodeText)
282 | objects = relationship("GenericModelReference",
283 | secondary=collection_link_table)
284 | #+END_SRC
285 |
286 | * Likes
287 | This is to record who likes a comment or a piece of media.
288 |
289 | #+BEGIN_SRC python
290 | class Like(Base):
291 | """ This represents a like/favorite on an object """
292 | __tablename__ = "core__likes"
293 |
294 | id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
295 |
296 | object = Column(Integer, GenericForeignKey(), nullable=False)
297 | author = Column(Integer, FoeignKey("core__users.id"), nullable=False)
298 | created = Column(DateTimeField, default=datetime.datetime.now, nullable=False)
299 | #+END_SRC
300 |
301 |