Custom Query (238 matches)


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Results (201 - 238 of 238)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#315 Profile bio on user page doesn't show when website item is empty Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#319 Resend verification mail button looks weird with long text Jef van Schendel defect minor ui
#321 'User' object has no attribute '_id' Elrond defect minor programming
#323 Tags list on Edit page is not seperated by spaces and hard to read Manolinux aka Mu defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#325 Inform users in docs how to up the client_max_body_size Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.2.0 documentation
#327 Run-Celery-Separately documentation Sam Kleinman task minor 0.2.1 documentation
#329 Drop custom delimiters in tags Manolinux aka Mu defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#330 Rename mediagoblin middleware to "meddleware" Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#331 Allow prevention of csrf protection nyergler defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#343 Deleting media can become tricky Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#352 Logo/artwork need visibility, documentation and guidelines Jef van Schendel defect minor ui
#356 Forgot-password process has too many pages defect minor programming
#362 On media submit page, "Separate" is misspelled defect minor
#377 Make feed PubSubHubbub enabled Michele Azzolari defect minor 0.2.1 programming
#2 Add appropriate copyright headers to all files / adjust COPYING Will Kahn-Greene defect major 0.0.1
#9 Make MediaGoblin development setup dead easy Christopher Allan Webber defect major
#23 Structure for testing views via webtest Christopher Allan Webber defect major 0.0.3 programming
#37 natty support Will Kahn-Greene defect major 0.0.2
#51 Handing of bad media types (html!) Jakob Kramer defect major 0.0.5 programming
#58 Better contribution patches / branches documentation Will Kahn-Greene task major 0.0.4 documentation
#76 prevent CSRF and similar things nyergler defect major 0.1.0 programming
#111 Resize images to fit on page Christopher Allan Webber defect major 0.0.4 programming
#168 texinfo version of the manual Will Kahn-Greene task major 0.0.4 documentation
#200 login vs. log in -- lots of incorrect usage Jef van Schendel defect major 0.0.5 ui
#232 New website design Jef van Schendel defect major 0.1.0 ui
#274 /auth/resend_verification/ crashes when not logged in Aaron Williamson defect major 0.2.1 programming
#280 One can post comments for non existent media Christopher Allan Webber defect major 0.1.0 programming
#335 Exception: KeyError: CSRF_TOKEN Elrond defect major 0.2.0 programming
#336 Inform people they need a better browser if missing <video>, webm Karen Rustad defect major 0.2.1 programming
#366 atom feed not valid Michele Azzolari defect major 0.2.1 programming
#1 create user accounts in moveable type Matt Lee defect critical infrastructure
#64 MediaEntry['uploader'] should reference User, not embed it. defect critical 0.0.2 programming
#150 Set deprecated indexing back to keeping index information Christopher Allan Webber defect critical 0.0.4 programming
#275 web-site stop-gap fixes Will Kahn-Greene task critical 0.1.0 infrastructure
#281 MediaGoblin broken by recent WebOb release Christopher Allan Webber defect critical 0.1.0 programming
#316 CloudFiles - Add name attribute to cloudfiles file-object joar defect critical 0.2.0 programming
#324 Switch image processing to save to workbench before moving to public store Christopher Allan Webber defect critical 0.2.0 programming
#345 Test bug defect critical infrastructure
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