Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (208 - 210 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#196 FIXED Change storage configuration in .ini Elrond Elrond
The current configuration for the storage looks like this:


    publicstore_class = StorageBackend
    publicstore_base_dir = %(here)s/user_dev/media/public
    publicstore_base_url = /mgoblin_media/
    publicstore_password = secret

Instead I suggest an alternative configuration scheme:


    class = StorageBackend
    base_dir = %(here)s/user_dev/media/public
    base_url = /mgoblin_media/
    password = secret

I implemented this on my dev/storage\_config branch.

There is also an other config option with configobj, sub sub


      [ [ publicstore ] ]
      base_dir = %(here)s/user_dev/media/public
      base_url = /mgoblin_media/
      [ [ queuestore ] ]
      base_dir = %(here)s/user_dev/media/queue

I don't know, if this one is "better". I would prefer the first

#103 fixed Change user status into a boolean, "active" or "is_active" Christopher Allan Webber
Currently we have status being one of "active" or
'needs\_email\_verification'... we could simplify things by just
having email\_verified (which we already have) and "active" be a

The role of active will then switch to whether or not the user is
enabled. You might set active to False if a user was abusing their
account, for instance.

The migration on this should be pretty easy... just remove
needs\_email\_verification and make all existing users active,
since currently we don't have any inactive state.

This is a bitesized task.

#975 fixed Changes to Spanish translation teraflops

Location is not Locación, location is "lugar" minute is minuto hour is hora month is mes

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