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Results (163 - 165 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#556 invalid Big Deal.... Hypersharing aepcam


Broadcasting Desktop Capture + save local or/and remote to a video channel in real time.

Ability to make MetaChanneling flushing instantly the update of the content of a channel into others relatives via TagManiac where other similar content channel owner can accept the content of the first one, TagManiac a search list of selectable hashtag categories and related channel infos that help to the users and channel owners to find and share video for similar media content groups, also helping when users need to categorize a new contribution. Using then their own Metaverso.

#685 wontfix Big Migration Unit Test Elrond

After a bit of discussion we agreed on a unit test that shall test all old migrations. To make sure they still work on the current codebase.

Points needed for level 1 implementation:

  • Empty db
  • fill with models_v0 tables
  • Run all migrations
#830 fixed Blog post and exif Jeremy Pope

Looks like ./mediagoblin/templates/mediagoblin/user_pages/blog_media.html contains a reference to mediagoblin/utils/exif.html which causes blog posts to crash the server when being loaded if exif_visible = true is set in the config.

Removing the reference fixes the issue.

Anyone have insight as to why it may need to stay?

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