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Results (148 - 150 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#186 FIXED It is possible to confirm an email address when logged in as a different user. joar
for example, logged in with user "joar" I may use the confirmation
link for user "hook" to verify his email. I am still logged in as
"joar" after doing so.

#188 FIXED Media attachments Christopher Allan Webber joar
Make it possible to submit an attachment with a media file.

#189 FIXED rework documentation Sam Kleinman Will Kahn-Greene
We have three separate audiences that we need to write
documentation for:

-  contributors (developers, hackers, themers, translators, ...)
-  site admin (someone who installs MediaGoblin on his/her server
   to use)
-  users (someone who sets up a MediaGoblin account, uploads
   photos, ...)

Currently, we have documentation in a few different places. We want
to migrate to the following:

1. contributor and project infrastructure documentation goes in the
2. site admin documentation goes in docs/ where it's built in HTML
   and Texinfo formats for release tarballs; site admin documentation
   is also available on
   ` <>`_
3. user documentation will be part of the MediaGoblin code probably
   as Jinja2 templates available through /help/ url or something like

We want to do this for 0.0.5, but the most important stuff
initially is straightening out the contributor docs, then
straightening out the site admin docs, then writing user docs.

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