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Results (136 - 138 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#169 FIXED update maketarball to build docs Will Kahn-Greene Will Kahn-Greene
It'd be nice if maketarball built the docs and put them in the
right place to automate generating release tarballs.

Something like this:

1. add support for a -r flag indicating this is a release tarball
2. write the -r code which builds the html and texinfo docs and
   puts them in the right place in the tarball

Assigning to me and putting in the 0.0.4 target.

#170 FIXED tests aren't all passing for me in gmg/master Caleb Davis
Anyone else getting this?

` <>`_

I did an


    rm -rf mediagoblin

followed by a fresh gmg install + buildout and still get the same
result. No amount of migration/wiping/purging/meditation would make
it go away for me.

#171 FIXED Fat buttons/links are ugly Jef van Schendel Jef van Schendel
Bad schendje!

I'm talking about the "Submit media" button in the top left and the
"Verify your email" one in the top right, as visible in the
`latest release post <>`_.
Currently these have really fat, grey borders and I'd like to make
these look a little better.

I'm thinking "Verify your email" should have a style of its own,
because it's not so much a button as it is a warning/notification.
Either way it should stand out.

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