Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (133 - 135 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#165 WONTFIX submit_success function deprecated Caleb Davis
A navigation function in mediagoblin/submit/ doesn't seem
to be in use any longer.


    def submit_success(request):
        return render_to_response(
            request, 'mediagoblin/submit/success.html', {})

Let's delete it.

#166 FIXED Custom grid generator Karen Rustad Jef van Schendel
We'll need to build a custom grid generator to get some decent
thumbnail grids.

Here's what we have in mind now:

-  It should be able to create grids of different sizes, so we can
   choose different amounts of columns and rows.
-  Each thumbnail will be in a div element.
-  Every row of thumbnails will also be in a div. This will allow
   the rows to resize according to their contents (say a row only
   contains very wide images, in that case the height will be lower to
   avoid awkward spacing).
-  Each of these elements will have a class. For correct margins,
   the first and last thumbnail element in every row will have a
   second class that removes the margin at the left or right side,
-  The same should probably be true for the first and last row, to
   avoid extra space at the bottom or top of the grid.

(As I understand it, correct me if I'm wrong.)

So, basically like cwebber said:


    <div class="thumb_gallery">
       <div class="thumb_row">
         <div class="thumb_entry">
           <div class="thumb_image">
             <img src="blabla" />
           <div class="thumb_label">Bla bla</div>

And then for instance a thumbnail element will looks like:


    <div class="thumb_entry">

While a thumbnail element on the far right would have an extra


    <div class="thumb_entry thumb_last">

Probably not important, but for reference: we're using thumbnails
that are 180px wide, with 10px of space in between.

#168 FIXED texinfo version of the manual Will Kahn-Greene Will Kahn-Greene
The manual is in docs/. To jive with GNU project standards, we need
to build a texinfo version of the docs for release tarballs (and we
should do html and pdf versions, too).

The thing this requires us to do is get a texinfo output thing for
the docs set up and making sure the infrastructure is there to do
it going forward.

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