Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (175 - 177 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#538 fixed Return 403 (forbidden) rather than 404 (not found) when looking at admin pages spaetz spaetz

When ernot being an admin all admin pages come up as 404 (not found) addresses. This confused me a lot because I thought things are broken until I realized I am not an administrator.

The task is to return "FORBIDDEN" pages when calling admin pages without necessary permissions.

#540 fixed Add "delete" function to MediaEntry spaetz

Just working on issue 302 (Delete your own account), noticing that deleting a MediaEntry and all related Comments / Files / Tags / Collections has to be done manually e.g. in user_pages/

It would make sense to provide a "delete()" function for MediaEntry that did all this work centrally. It would simplify the view functions and put the internal implementation details into the db models where they belong. It would also enable me to easily delete all user's media from the delete_user_account function without having to manually duplicate the thing.

#548 fixed Add support for token refresh to the OAuth plugin nyergler

The OAuth plugin currently does not support token refresh, as described in the OAuth specification. This is needed to allow Android clients (among others) to refresh their tokens as they expire. It appears there was some planning for this, as a refresh_token field exists in the OAuthToken model, but it is currently unpopulated.

This work may overlap with work on #517.

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