Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (136 - 138 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#762 fixed simplify user.html spaetz

When looking at user.html in order to have plugins insert content, I found that it is horrible. The logic of whether a user is activated and what to display in that case is fully embedded in the template. Having this amount of logic in your template makes it slow and hard to develop alternative themes.

I patched it to use user_nonactive.html in case we have a non-yet active user (or one that was disabled).

Please review and pull the "master" branch at my repo: git@…:mediagoblin/spaetz-mediagoblin.git (it is still the same address as earlier on).

This is the commit in question:

#763 fixed Fix plugin documentation spaetz

Please review and pull my branch fix_docs from my repo at git:// It fixes a critical crasher.

#764 fixed Improve checkbox wording spaetz

Please review and pull my branch fix_wording from my repo at ​git://

Do not describe a checkbox as "Enable/Disable notifications". So what does what?

Pull post-release or the translations will break, I guess.

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