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Results (127 - 129 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#565 fixed Make workbench easier to use spaetz

Currently, you have to get a Workbench from the workbench manager and must not forget to destroy (delete) it yourself after processing. How hard this is?

2 of our current media_type processors (ascii and video) NEVER called workbench.destroy_workbench() which means tons of temporary files and directories were kept around.

NONE of our current media_type processors destroy the workbench in case of an exception in the processing function, e.g. on invalid images and stuff. Nice DOS attacks are to be expected, filling up our temp space :-).

Finally, we need the same boilerplate for all processing functions, getting a workbench, destroying a workbench, even in the face of exceptions etc. So I propose:

1) to make Workbench() a context manager so that we can do

with Workbench() as bench:

which nicely cleans up after itself.

2) A decorator "get_workbench" which will create a Workbench, pass it to the processing function and cleans up when processing finished (even in the face of exceptions). This saves us lots of boilerplate and at least one level of indention.

Fortunately, I happen to coincidentally have a branch lying around doing just the above things.

#577 fixed De-noisify video transcoding spaetz

ProgressCallback (which saves to the db) and is called every second during video transcoding informing the user of transcoding progress, even the percentage has not changed at all. For small 10MB videos this means I get about 4 log entries with the same transcoding percentage.

Please consider merging my upcoming de-noisification of the log and database activities, by only logging/save()'ing when things have actually changed.

#578 fixed Do not transcode video if it does not make sense joar spaetz

I uploaded a 320x200 pixel .webm file and it was transcoded to a 640x400 (or so) .webm file for previewing purposes, blowing up the file size by the factor of 3. This clearly does not make sense.

We should: 1) not transcode if we already have a smallish .webm file. 2) Provide an site option to disable transcoding and always just present the uploaded original file 3) Probably also disable transcoding for other common .ogg videos? (not sure on this one).

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