Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (172 - 174 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#172 FIXED Font in text fields is inconsistent Jef van Schendel Karen Rustad
The text inside single-line text fields (including fields for URLs
and so forth) is the normal sans-serif site font. Text inside
multi-line text boxes, however, is a much wider monospace font that
isn't found anywhere else in the site. The text entry font should
be consistent (and, IMHO, should be standardized on the normal
sans-serif that appears everywhere else).

Go to the Edit Profile page for an example (website field v. bio
field); I also noticed in on the Edit Picture page (title field v.
description field).

Confirmed in both Firefox and Chromium on Ubuntu 10.04. This ought
to be a pretty easy bug to squash.

#173 FIXED "atom feed" copy should be capitalized Jef van Schendel Karen Rustad
In the contexts where the atom feed link appears, it's nearly
always on a page where all the other links are capitalized, which
makes "atom feed" stick out like a sore thumb. Let's change it to
"Atom feed" -- or, even better, replace it with a little feed icon
(with alt text, of course).

#174 FIXED Use of "Submit" in site copy is sterile and not as friendly and welcoming as it could be Jef van Schendel Karen Rustad
All over the site, we have exhortations to users to "Submit media",
"Submit an item", or even "Submit yer media!".

First of all, the inconsistency (all of these links go the same
place!) is silly. Let's have a standard usage in site copy, and if
variance is needed, we can justify that later.

Second, I've never liked "submit" in web copy. At best, it's rather
formal programmer-ese. At worst, it carries a whiff of
authoritarian control ("YOU WILL SUBMIT"). Neither of these matches
the tone of the site.

What do we think of, say "Add [yer] media"? Or even "Add pictures"
-- we may as well be specific, we don't support anything else yet

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