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Results (166 - 168 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#376 invalid Body text sticks out beyond frame on Jef van Schendel Jef van Schendel
` <>`_

There's something wrong the widths here. I'll check it out later.

#378 fixed CC0 licensing for MediaGoblin Sphinx (docs) theme Christopher Allan Webber Jef van Schendel
The MediaGoblin documentation theme's CSS is located at
mediagoblin/docs/source/themes/mg/static/mg.css . I've added (what
I think is) a CC0 license header to the file, but it should be
specified in COPYING. Or, something.

Also, what about the "logo"? It's logo\_docs.png in the same

Oh, and there's the fonts, placed in
mediagoblin/docs/source/themes/mg/static/fonts/. That folder
contains a version of the Open Font License, but maybe that could
also use improvements.

#386 fixed Comment styles (by Markdown) aren't visible Jef van Schendel Jef van Schendel
Our comments are pretending to be plain text even when formatting
is used. The needed HTML elements are all there, but reset.css
prevents the styles from being shown.

Assigning this to myself.

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