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Results (151 - 153 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#228 FIXED Text changes to Delete confirmation page Shawn Khan Jef van Schendel
Attached is a screenshot of the current Delete confirmation page.
This is the page you see after clicking "Delete" on a media page.

The whole thing is kind of a stop gap solution, but for now I'd
like to suggest these changes:

-  "Save changes" on the input button should be changed because
   you're not saving changes. Something like "Delete permanently",
   which describes the action and mentions its severity.
-  Remove the "If you choose yes, the media entry will be deleted
   permanently." and "Confirm" text.
-  Replace the two radio buttons by a single checkbox that says "I
   am sure I want to delete this"
-  Add a thumbnail like we do on the Edit page. This changes the
   process to:
-  User clicks Delete
-  User arrives at Delete confirmation page
-  User is asked if he is sure and has to check the box to say
   "Yes, I am sure"
-  User finishes the process by clicking "Delete permanently"

#230 FIXED Wrong/too many descriptions on Create Account page Christopher Allan Webber Jef van Schendel
Right now the Create Account page has these labels/forms and

**Username***This is the name other users will identify you with.**Password***Try
to use a strong password!
**Confirm password***Type it again here to make sure there are no spelling mistakes.**Email address***Your
email will never be published.

I think these are still my placeholders.

-  Some of these could go (especially the one under "Username" I
-  Some of them should be changed to something more
   useful/descriptive. Which ones though, and what should they be
   changed to?
-  There are probably several other form pages that could use
   descriptions, but we should open additional bugs for those (like
   this one:
   ` <>`_)

#285 FIXED logo issues Jef van Schendel
Two things:

-  I believe the logo used on the top left of the new site isn't
   the latest version from Thorsten, we should export the latest
   vector and update it.
-  The text "Get started with the latest mediagoblin release" in
   the middle should have the "mediagoblin" replaced by a larger
   version of the logo.

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