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Results (136 - 138 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#101 FIXED Edit should only show up for media owner Caleb Davis Jef van Schendel
On any media page, the text says "Upload on X by X" and then shows
an "Edit" link.

This link shows up for anyone, but it should only be visible if
you're the owner of that piece of media and are logged in (and thus
are the only one that can actually edit it).

#102 FIXED Top menu / navigation layout Jef van Schendel Jef van Schendel
We should think about what we want to show in the top right of our

**Currently, when a user is logged in, we've got:** [user]'s
account home gallery (logout)

This is getting crowded! :)

**I propose we do this:**

-  Use [user] as the "home" link, which links to the user's profile
-  Remove the "gallery" link. If the user wants to see his or her
   own gallery, that can be done by going to the profile page, then
   clicking "all images" or something similar. **This leaves:**

-  The "logout" link. At first I also wanted to move this to the
   profile page, but cwebber pointed out it might be better to keep in
   the top right. While it may not be an action that is frequently
   used, it can be of high importance for security. Also, the placing
   right next to "[user]'s account" makes a lot of sense, I think.
-  An "upload" button/link. We don't have this yet, but the top
   right might be a good idea. Similar to for instance YouTube, who
   have a big bright yellow upload button always at the top. It makes
   sense, because submitting media is presumably what Mediagoblin is
   used for. :)

Other websites, like for instance Wordpress or Gmail, have a
dropdown menu, where you can view info or logout. It's one way to
do it, but personally I'm not a big fan. It's hard to make clear
graphically that it's a dropdown menu instead of a regular link,
they don't always work well on mobile devices and it makes the code
more complex.

#112 FIXED Previous / next navigation on media pages Jef van Schendel Jef van Schendel
We'll need a navigation area on the media pages to browse a user's
media. We can start simple, by adding "previous" and "next" links.

I don't have any idea to do this, so here's a humble request to
anyone capable. Creating two regular links to move back and forward
through a user's media would be great, then I can style them.

To start with, they'll look
`something like this <>`_.

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