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Results (184 - 186 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#691 fixed Travis intergration Jessica Tallon

As a follow up to the IRC meeting (4/4/2013) it would be useful to have a build checking service which ensures the code can be built. There is an open source service called travis:

#693 fixed An end to merge requests Christopher Allan Webber

We should put an end to merge requests. We have them enabled on gitorious, but we have a workflow outlined on our git workflow wiki page: people make a feature branch and post them to a relevant ticket for review. Having two places to look at this makes keeping track of tickets really hard. Since we don't officially support merge requests, this means they are just piling up. This isn't fair to contributors either: if people submit code, we should be looking at it.

So we should disable merge requests and move them over to our workflow.

  • Document more clearly on the gitorious page that we do NOT use merge requests.
  • Figure out what happens if we just press "disable merge requests" with existing merge requests open. We don't accidentally want to destroy contributions. (Note: I asked about this on #gitorious on at one point and got an unclear seeming answer. It's probably worth asking again.)
  • Disable merge requests and close them out. This could happen one of several ways:
    1. We could blast through and review them in sets and then merge or close them.
    2. We could convert them to tickets and, if necessary, create "proxy" git repositories for them.
#694 wontfix test workflow ticket Christopher Allan Webber

This ticket is for testing workflows; ignore ;)

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