Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (163 - 165 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#662 fixed Replace mediagoblin/tests/test_submission/evil* Christopher Allan Webber

I wasn't aware, but one of our tests checks to make sure we can't upload an executable, and that executable is in mediagoblin/tests/test_submission/evil[.jpg|.png]. There's a problem: this is a precompiled version of ls. This is actually a GPL violation so this is fairly serious.

I'm not sure what to replace this with. We could try to replace it with a bash script that does something mundane... that might be sufficient.

#663 wontfix Enable submission by email (e-mail) spaetz

Currently, we do not support submission by email, although this has been a cool feature that the late has been supporting.

We should definitely offer a script that is able to poll an imap account and does the submission for us. Bonus points for (close to) real-time submission via IMAP IDLE?

#664 fixed Overflow not handled at pages like delete media ones pythonsnake

See the attached image

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