Custom Query (1173 matches)


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Results (211 - 213 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#256 FIXED Use staticdirect instead of /mgoblin_static/ Elrond Elrond
templates should never use ``/mgoblin_static/`` but use
``request.staticdirect()`` instead, which uses the proper paths
from the config.

This is relevant when running mediagoblin not on / but on a subpath
like /mediagoblin/.

I have fixed the current templates (git branch will be pushed

The interesting question is, if the test suite should test for
If so, here's an idea on how to do it:

1. in ``test_mgoblin_app.ini`` set ``direct_remote_path`` to
   something else than /mgoblib\_static/
2. While testing: add a special "middleware" to the main App, that
   greps the rendered html for mgoblin\_static and errors out.

That way all tested paths will at least also get tested for wrong
references. At least, that's my idea on this.

#304 FIXED forgot password seems to translate "" Elrond Elrond
The ``/auth/forgot_password/verify/`` URL seems to translate the
empty string somewhere, somehow.

` <>`_

#321 FIXED 'User' object has no attribute '_id' Elrond joar
File '/srv/',
line 65 in submit\_start entry['uploader'] = request.user.\_id File
line 379 in **getattr** return dict.**getattribute**(self, key)
AttributeError: 'User' object has no attribute '\_id'

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