Custom Query (1173 matches)
Results (187 - 189 of 1173)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#349 | fixed | Feed for all items | ||
Description |
Unless I am mistaken, there isn't a feed containing all the items uploaded to a site. I think that would be useful. =] |
#360 | fixed | Switch Javascript back to AGPL | ||
Description |
Talked to Brett, turns out my concerns about over-scope of copyleft in javascript w/ AGPL was wrong, so we should switch our JS licensing back from LGPL->AGPL. Not that we have any JS really as I'm writing this ticket ;) |
#378 | fixed | CC0 licensing for MediaGoblin Sphinx (docs) theme | ||
Description |
The MediaGoblin documentation theme's CSS is located at mediagoblin/docs/source/themes/mg/static/mg.css . I've added (what I think is) a CC0 license header to the file, but it should be specified in COPYING. Or, something. Also, what about the "logo"? It's logo\_docs.png in the same directory. Oh, and there's the fonts, placed in mediagoblin/docs/source/themes/mg/static/fonts/. That folder contains a version of the Open Font License, but maybe that could also use improvements. |
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