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Results (163 - 165 of 1173)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#167 wontfix Update licensing policy so that Javascript files are LGPL Will Kahn-Greene Christopher Allan Webber
Based on this conversation and other thoughts I've been having:
` <>`_

It probably makes sense if our Javascript files are licensed as
LGPL (or apache? but probably LGPL). We currently don't have any
license on them, so this should be easy to do right now as it
requires no relicensing really.

(This says nothing of "javascript snippets in the template"...
probably we just shouldn't have those anyway.)

#168 FIXED texinfo version of the manual Will Kahn-Greene Will Kahn-Greene
The manual is in docs/. To jive with GNU project standards, we need
to build a texinfo version of the docs for release tarballs (and we
should do html and pdf versions, too).

The thing this requires us to do is get a texinfo output thing for
the docs set up and making sure the infrastructure is there to do
it going forward.

#169 FIXED update maketarball to build docs Will Kahn-Greene Will Kahn-Greene
It'd be nice if maketarball built the docs and put them in the
right place to automate generating release tarballs.

Something like this:

1. add support for a -r flag indicating this is a release tarball
2. write the -r code which builds the html and texinfo docs and
   puts them in the right place in the tarball

Assigning to me and putting in the 0.0.4 target.

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