Custom Query (1173 matches)
Results (148 - 150 of 1173)
Ticket | Resolution | Summary | Owner | Reporter |
#150 | FIXED | Set deprecated indexing back to keeping index information | ||
Description |
When you create an index in it's like: :: USER_INDEXES = { 'username_unique': { # Index usernames, and make sure they're unique. # ... I guess we might need to adjust this once we're federated :) 'index': 'username', 'unique': True}, 'created': { # All most recently created users 'index': 'created'}} However when you remove it, we just keep track on the key/name there (like 'username\_unique' and drop the rest of the info because it isn't immediately needed. :: DEPRECATED_USER_INDEXES = ['created'] ... that's a shame because then we might forget what the original index was, and all that useful information. Even though that's not needed, we should keep it around. I originally wrote the code to be like that, then I changed it. Time to change it back! |
#151 | FIXED | Order comments by date, ascending | ||
Description |
On the media "home" page, comments on photos are currently sorted in descending order by date (i.e. reverse-chronological order, like a blog). The standard order is ascending order by date. This requires a change to media\_home() in mediagoblin/user\_pages/ |
#152 | WONTFIX | Nicer error pages | ||
Description |
The error pages are dull, off-the-rack affairs; their appearance isn't consistent with Mediagoblin's otherwise lush visual theme and as Caleb Davis points out, they miss an opportunity to convey Mediagoblin's sense of whimsy and humor to users it has recently disappointed. He suggests something akin to Reddit's `you broke reddit <>`_ page. Other examples of amusing(?) error pages include `tumblr's tumbeasts <>`_ and the `Twitter Fail Whale <>`_, neither of which any of us has ever seen because we use free software only ever. |
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