Custom Query (238 matches)


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Results (201 - 238 of 238)

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Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#335 Exception: KeyError: CSRF_TOKEN Elrond defect major 0.2.0 programming
#336 Inform people they need a better browser if missing <video>, webm Karen Rustad defect major 0.2.1 programming
#339 Let jinja throw errors on undefined variables Elrond enhancement trivial 0.2.1 programming
#343 Deleting media can become tricky Christopher Allan Webber defect minor 0.2.0 programming
#356 Forgot-password process has too many pages defect minor programming
#366 atom feed not valid Michele Azzolari defect major 0.2.1 programming
#377 Make feed PubSubHubbub enabled Michele Azzolari defect minor 0.2.1 programming
#1 create user accounts in moveable type Matt Lee defect critical infrastructure
#11 Develop policy for external code in our repository Will Kahn-Greene task minor 0.0.4 infrastructure
#28 wiki Will Kahn-Greene task minor 0.0.4 infrastructure
#99 redo website Will Kahn-Greene task minor infrastructure
#106 requesting feedback on how to think about and use this tracker task minor infrastructure
#127 move mailing list to new server Will Kahn-Greene task minor 0.0.4 infrastructure
#161 Install source plugin on wiki Will Kahn-Greene task minor 0.0.4 infrastructure
#169 update maketarball to build docs Will Kahn-Greene task minor 0.0.4 infrastructure
#275 web-site stop-gap fixes Will Kahn-Greene task critical 0.1.0 infrastructure
#285 logo issues task minor infrastructure
#295 Make 404 look like mediagoblin software's 404 Jef van Schendel task minor 0.2.1 infrastructure
#345 Test bug defect critical infrastructure
#26 fix hacking howto setup for fedora 15 Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.0.4 documentation
#40 Document how to run without dev environment Sam Kleinman task minor 0.1.0 documentation
#50 mongodb not scaling down: workaround and documentation Elrond task minor 0.0.5 documentation
#58 Better contribution patches / branches documentation Will Kahn-Greene task major 0.0.4 documentation
#66 Better phrasing than "own your data" Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.0.4 documentation
#140 Encourage people to install libjpeg and libjpeg-dev or at least python-imaging Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.0.5 documentation
#155 Models in undocumented Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.0.4 documentation
#168 texinfo version of the manual Will Kahn-Greene task major 0.0.4 documentation
#189 rework documentation Sam Kleinman task minor 0.1.0 documentation
#199 buildout problems: ImportError: No module named ez_setup Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.0.5 documentation
#202 recipe for building a gmg virtual machine to run on Amazon's free EC2 tier task minor 0.0.5 documentation
#213 expand AUTHORS, fix license headers Will Kahn-Greene task minor 0.0.5 documentation
#237 Move Hacking How To Guides into Documentation Sam Kleinman task minor 0.1.0 documentation
#238 split up hacking howto in wiki task minor 0.2.0 documentation
#246 GNU project wording on website doesn't match task minor 0.1.0 documentation
#279 Make scripts default to mediagoblin_local.ini if exists, mediagoblin.ini otherwise Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.2.0 documentation
#294 Configuration files should mention their _local versions Aleksej task trivial 0.2.0 documentation
#325 Inform users in docs how to up the client_max_body_size Christopher Allan Webber task minor 0.2.0 documentation
#327 Run-Celery-Separately documentation Sam Kleinman task minor 0.2.1 documentation
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